↓RV Deep Cycle Battery Maintenance Chargers!
After doing Episode 44 about maintaining RV Deep Cycle Batteries I felt I should recommend the Trickle Chargers I promoted in the episode. Noco nad Battery Tender are the brands I would recommend for trickle chargers. If you are looking for a shop type of I charger I would go with a Schumacher Battery Charger.
Today’s Trickle Chargers are smarter than they used to be and if you have an older one that does not charge in stages or goes into float mode once the battery is charged you might want to consider a new charger. Purchase with confidence on Amazon!
The ones listed below are the brands I recommend to use. They will fit the needs of any RV’er. These battery chargers can also be used on Cars, ATV’s, Boats and Motorcycles.
3.5 amp
8 amp
15 amp
7.2 amp
1.25 amp
1.25 amp
1.25 amp
5 amp