↓ Episode 96 – How Are Your RV Batteries Wired? Does it Matter?
In Episode 96 Eric Stark helps his audience to appreciate that while RVing there will be good days and bad days. Some days will be perfect and some days will be like any other day and some days will seem to last forever because they are so bad. The big picture of making memories and
↓ Episode 94 – It’s Time to Replace that Old Worn Out RV Flooring
Out with the old and in with the new, it might be time to put new flooring in your RV. This is Eric Stark with the smart RV or podcast, delivering the smarts. You need to enjoy the freedom of the RV lifestyle without the fear of breaking down.
↓ Episode 95 – Got a Leaking Water Faucet?
In Episode 95 Eric is making up for lost time after being sick and not being able to work on his podcasts. He is glad to be back doing what he loves, helping others solve RV-related problems. Rather than cover the RV life Style segment in a traditional sense he dives into raising fuel prices
Where Has Eric Been?
Where has Eric Been? Eric hasn’t ditched the show! He has been sick for 4 weeks and is back on his feet as of 2-24-2022. New Episodes will be coming in the next few weeks along with a couple of big announcements.
↓ Episode 93- Do You Replace One Shoelace or Both?
When one lp hose starts to leak it is time to replace both.
↓ Episode 92 – Is the Battery Bad or the RV Power Converter
In Episode 92 Eric Stark Explains how to diagnose your RV Converter if it is not working. Eric also shares why it is also good to test the RV Batteries at the same time. There is nothing worse than wondering if the RV Batteries are good, bad, or almost dead. He also explains the difference
↓ Episode 91 – Why are RV Escape Hatches and Vents So Confusing?
In Episode 91 Eric dives into the RV Life Style talking about living in your RV full time and sometimes it doesn’t happen by choice. Many people today have been displaced or have moved into an RV out of necessity. With rents being doubled and tripled it has become difficult or impossible for some people
↓Episode 90 – The Best Way to Stay on the Road is not to Lose Your RV!
In Episode 90 “The Best Way to Stay on the Road is to Not Lose Your RV” Eric Stark shares his thoughts on heading to the warmer southern states for the winter months. Eric spends a few minutes explaining how Texas, Florida, Arizona, and parts of Southern California are great places to spend the winter
↓Episode 89 – From the Twilight Zone to Arizona
In Episode 89 Eric Stark covers some ground in the newly reformatted Podcast formerly known as Radio Arizona RV. This newly formatted episode takes you from an episode from the TV series the Twilight Zone to beautiful Yuma, AZ. Along the way, there is a short conversation explaining that the RV Lifestyle is not just
Rebranding Radio Arizona RV
Hello, This is Eric Stark the host of Radio Arizona RV, the podcast for the DIY. I have some great news to share with you. The show is undergoing a rebranding and reformatting and will relaunch on Friday, Dec 3rd. Who is the new show for? The show will now have something for most RV’ers.
↓Episode 88 – How to Avoid Blow Outs with Trailer Tires
In episode 88 Eric Stark goes over the different types of trailer tires and potential problems that may arise with them. Eric will explain in depth why certain tires are better for your trailer and what are the common causes/signs of potential blowouts. You’ll learn proper care for your tires to help increase safety, overall
↓Episode 87 – Maintaining an RV Roof Top Air Conditioner
In episode 87 Eric walks us through proper maintenance and care for our RV’s air conditioner. You’ll also hear an update on the state of the RV parts industry given the continued global impact of the pandemic. You’ll be guided through step-by-step (and in detail) how to maintain and care for your RV’s air conditioner.
↓Episode 86 – The Death of Atwood Water Heaters
In episode 86 Eric discusses what happened with Atwood water heaters and why you can’t find them anymore. If you’ve been wondering why you can’t find any Atwood water heaters or their parts, Eric will help enlighten you as to what happened and what to do moving forward. This is the first Radio Arizona RV
↓Episode 85 – Do Cell Phone Signal Boosters Really Work! Trailer Tire Bonus Section
In episode 85 Eric goes in-depth on cellphone signal boosters and answers the question often asked, “Do cellphone signal boosters even work?” You’ll hear an update on the current state of the RV parts industry during the pandemic, and what you should do if you are looking to buy parts. Eric will also answer a
↓Episode 84 – New RV Owners Learn by Trial By Fire!
In episode 84 Eric welcomes new RV owners by giving tips and advice on what to do upon becoming an RV owner. There is a lot that goes into owning and maintaining an RV and researching online isn’t always a surefire way to learn the best ways to do something or even reasonable ways of
↓Episode 83 How to Diagnose and Repair Atwood Water Heater
In episode 83 Eric walks us through diagnosing problems with Atwood water heaters. More specifically Eric will cover 12 volt (or LP) systems and 120 volt systems, both before and after 2004. He’ll be going through step by step explaining each part, how to check everything, and understanding how everything works and relates to the
↓Episode 82 How to Diagnose a Suburban RV Water Heater
In episode 82 Eric walks us through diagnosing problems with Suburban Water Heaters. More specifically Eric will cover 110-volt system and propane (or 12 volts) systems found on Suburban Water Heaters. He’ll be going through step by step explaining how everything works, what should be happening, and how it relates to the overall system. Learning
↓Episode 81- Understanding How an RV Furnace Operates
In episode 81 Eric walks us through how RV furnaces work and how to diagnose problems with them. Eric will take you step by step through each part of your furnace system while detailing any potential problems that may arise at each stop along the way. Furnaces are just like any other appliances on your
↓Episode 80 – Save Cash with the Mudflap Diesel Fuel App
In episode 80 Eric talks about saving money on buying diesel fuel by using the Mudflap app. Mudflap isn’t just for people who own an RV it’s for anyone who uses diesel fuel. By using the Mudflap app at select gas stations you will be able to save up to 50 cents per gallon on
↓Episode 79 – 10 Reasons to Pull The Decision Making Trigger – Mudflap App Bonus
In episode 79 Eric talks about 10 reasons why we are typically hesitant in pulling the trigger on RV repairs and how to overcome them. It’s often very easy to fall into these traps and remain complacent while problems are becoming worse and worse. Eric will talk you through the common areas we all get